About enVISION.

About us

Our mission at enVISION Soccer Training is to provide each player an opportunity to bridge the gap between today and their tomorrow by helping them develop technical skills, confidence, creativity and a soccer identity through individual and small group training. Whether it be a U10 player aiming to beat their juggle record or a high school player looking to play college soccer and beyond. Every player brings something unique to the game and we aim to uncover and build on it.

At the core of our training philosophy is teaching our players the mechanics behind the fundamental skills of the game whether they are learning it for the first time or have developed poor technique and need to correct it. The ability to control the ball with a first touch or shoot, pass, and dribble with both feet successfully and consistently is at the foundation of well rounded players of all levels.

Our programs are designed to meet the needs of the players ensuring that they receive challenges that foster growth.

Meet Our Team

  • Stevan Krickovic


  • Denis Razic


  • Lucas Bordini


  • Ryan Kendzora


  • Fatma Osmancevic